A very interesting article but it seems to ignore the wider political situation, what happened and why and focus on some of the circumstances that are less pleasent. This article largely ignores ‘positives’ about how the different faiths interact with each other. The writer mentions that maps were given to her that omitt certain terorrities but where is the evidence. It would be interesting to see scans of these maps and learn if they are official maps published by officials. What is true is that there is room for a two state solution, although it does require brave and bold governments. If I understand correctly the trip was ten days long? I wonder if 10 days gives enough time to truly understand the inter-dynamics in such a complex environment where around 10 million people live together in two countries smaller than Wales combined. Perhaps if other communities were visited where integration is better and more time was spent there, the picture would be painted differnetly and or caveated. Nonetheless, a perspective is a perspective.